\paperw19995 \margr0\margl0 \plain \fs20 \f1 French painter.\par
Member of a family of French painters, made up of Antoine, Mathieu, and Louis. \par
It is not easy to distingui
sh the work of the individual members of the family. Moving to Paris, all three were elected members of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture upon its foundation in 1648. Louis was the most important of the three, raising the fashionable themes of
the Flemish-Roman \i bambocciata\i0 from the level of the picturesque to the poetic, solemn and mysterious pictures of the poor in rural France (\i Peasant Supper\i0 , 1640; \i Peasant Family\i0 , 1642; \i The Cart\i0 , 1641, Paris, Louvre).